Rising enthusiam!
By Brooke McGee
The Portage School District made a wise choice when deciding to close school and their administration building on Tuesday, January 7. Despite the arctic chill in the air, those who were willing were invited into the warmth of Portage Family Skate Park program President Kyle Little’s home to conduct business as usual with the weekly public meeting.
Plummeting temperatures apparently had little effect on the rising enthusiasm for the upcoming skate park. Gathered around his dining room table were the usual committee members and volunteers, grateful for the warm hospitality. Additional visitors then began showing up, with interested individuals even coming from outlying villages for first-time appearances, ideas and motivation in tow.
The encouraging meeting highlighted two mile markers for the PFSP. Word reached the table during the course of the meeting that $20,000 in funds have now been raised, dollar by dollar and through good ol’ fashioned hard work. Additionally, the project broke 700 “likes” on Facebook, mounting proof that as warm weather is being dreamed of, so is the dream of the park’s ground-breaking ceremony.
Future fundraising events were reviewed with excitement and gratitude as well, with the local Portage Pizza Hut being praised for their ongoing January fundraiser which will offer its customers the opportunity to donate $1 along with their meals. Ongoing efforts by Keith’s recycling and Papa Murphy’s were highlighted as well.
Nearing the end of what was already a successful encounter, one final chime of the doorbell beckoned in 12-year old Seth, accompanied by his mother Jenny Noble. With a gleaming face and check in hand, Seth presented to Kyle monies earned from can collecting, the single largest donation by cans so far. His hard work was commended and Seth was awarded one of PFSP’s one-of-a-kind T-shirts for his ongoing efforts.
Check back soon for additional information on Seth and how he and his family has and are continuing to make a difference in their community. Upcoming events will also be highlighted in detail so that fellow community members can contribute if able or help by word-of-mouth advertising on behalf of the PFSP.
- Seth & Kyle