We’re Almost There!
We are so close to reaching the goal of meeting The Tony Hawk Matching Grant Challenge of $5000! Our goal is to be there by the end of September and we can’t thank everyone enough for stepping up and helping to pick up the pace so we can build this Family Friendly Skate Park for our community!
The Following Businesses and Individuals have donated
Ken & Beth Manthey
Raymond Miller
Frank Petras
Kathy Schulz
Brian & Julia Larkworthy
Theresa & Chris Crawley
William Tierney
Jason Podlaski
Doug Klapper
Jan Heberlie-Carlson
Jay & Rose West
Raymond and Sharon Miller
Art and Rita Briant
Dale and June Paul
Gwen Herrewig
Carol J Harding
Alumni Basketball Tournament
Europlast, LTD
Meisters Forest Products
New Life Physical Therapy Portage Motors, LLC
The O’Brion Agency, LLC
51 Auto Sales
51 Guns
Babushka’s Polish Food
EVENTS That earned money toward this:
Alumni Basketball Tournament
Brat Hut at Pierces
Sidewalk Days Bake Sale
Taste of Portage
Skate Marathon
Kids Day Donation Jar
Other Donation Jar
Thank you Tony Hawk and Everyone who has contributed and those who will! If you can’t donate you write us a pledge and tell us when it will be paid! Let’s Get This Done! https://portageskatepark.org/donations/