PFSP & Pizza Hut Portage have wrapped it up.
After two months of generous dedication and assistance, the Portage Family Skate Park project (PFSP) was awarded $500, delivered generously by Ned Kreklow and Joe Sweeny from Pizza Hut of Portage, WI. 60 days of cooperation and donations from countless customers greatly assisted in furthering a project that so many obviously support.
Although the individual donators cannot be known, the cooperation of our local Pizza Hut and their managers can be thanked with confidence. Without the efforts of local businesses and individuals, the PFSP would not be making the progress they are making, and so vigorously lately. You can still stop at the Portage, Wi Pizza Hut and make donations.
Building this skatepark one donation and one brick at a time, we are getting there. Future fundraising events are upcoming. Information can be found online at Facebook “likes” are increasing substantially, so if you’re into social media, you can follow the PFSP at Are you more of a bird fan? Tweet along with us at portagesk8park!
- Kyle Little President of the PFSP & Ned Kreklow Store Manager Portage, WI Pizza Hut
- Joe & Kyle with Family
- Joe & Kyle