PFSP Gear for Sale in stores now!
You can now get all your Portage Family Skate Park Project gear at Prairie Flowers Beads 210 West Cook Street Portage, Wisconsin 53901 . Stop in or call and don’t for get to ask about upcoming events.
We have Shirts ONLY $10 or 2 for $15 also Wristbands for ONLY $2.00. Take a look at the Limited Edition PFSP Stool we are raffling off for ONLY $5 a ticket.
We have Shirts ONLY $10 or 2 for $15 also Wristbands for ONLY $2.00. Take a look at the Limited Edition PFSP Stool we are raffling off for ONLY $5 a ticket.
- Only $10 or 2 for $15
- Only $2.00
- Only $10 or 2 for $15
- $40
- A work of ART!!! PFSP & $5 for a raffle tickect