A Sign of the Times
A Sign of the Times
On a dreary Monday morning, a small group gathered at Portage’s Goodyear park to celebrate the placement of a new sign declaring the park as the future home of the Portage Family Skate Park. The sign replaced last year’s banner which did not stand up to the weather as well as had been hoped. The end result is a combined effort by PFSP Art director Andrew Tamminga, Ray Burby and Tim Haddix, Owner of Who’s Yer Painter? LLC, Portage, and Matt Harmon of DC Builders, Lodi. The materials for the sign were donated with leftover items from various projects.
PFSP Art Director Andrew Tamminga
This was by far the largest and most visible advertisement I have undertaken for the Portage Family Skate Park project. Not only this sign, but all the work I do for the PFSP would not be possible without help from my friends at Who’s Yer Painter? LLC who donate office space to me and the tools to do what I do every day.
Hopefully this sign will spark a fresh wave of interest in the effort to develop a safe place for the youth of Portage to enjoy and grow. After all, the kids need a place to hang out and spend time doing what they love.
Thank you to the Portage Park and Recreation Department for donating time and man hours for placing the sign. For more updates on the project visit our facebook page at facebook.com/portageskatepark #PFSP @portagesk8park
- Pam Benedon, Todd Miller, Debbie Little
- Andrew Tamminga, Ray Burby and Tim Haddix
- Kyle Little
- Portageskatepark.org