Warming Up and Moving Forward
After a pretty cold beginning to the year and taking a few weeks off from meeting members of The Portage Family Skate Park Committee met on Tuesday, January 21st.
Exciting news to share with you is that as a committee we have been able to raise $20,414.51!! Thank you to all the individuals, families and businesses that have supported us over the last 6 months. Combined with the $30,000 that the City of Portage has designated and committed to the building of the Portage Family Skate Park in Goodyear Park we have now reached $50,414.51!!! This news warmed our hearts and we are excited to share with you two of our upcoming February Fundraisers!
On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 we are holding a Chicken Soup Fundraiser. We’ll be serving up warm bowls of soup, roll, crackers, beverage and desserts from Noon to 6:30 in Couper Hall at St. John the Baptist Church, 211 West Pleasant Street, Portage.
We also are going to be promoting a Post a “I Love Skateboarding’ Sticker at area businesses. You will be able to donate $1 or $5, sign a card and show your support of The Portage Family Skate Park Project.
This month Pizza Hut is accepting donations from their customers and Health Source of Portage is supporting us when you ask for an X-Ray of your spine the $27 cost will be donated to The Portage Skate Park Project. Health Source of Portage has informed us they are continuing to offer the Get an X-Ray of your back for a $27 donation to The Portage Family Skate Park.
Donation Jars are located in several area businesses – when you shop locally ask if they are taking donations towards The Portage Family Skate Park and put your change in the designated container. Just ask the cashier to put your change or your coins into The Portage Family Skate Park Fund . . . if they don’t have one yet and you want to donate you can save your change at home and then bring in a container of change to one of our meetings and we’ll give you’ll receive a receipt for your records.
We’re expecting to receive a pledge from a local bank in the next week or so and keep watch for future fundraisers by local Hair and Nail Salons . . . a Golf Outing and our 2nd Annual SkateBoard Marathon.
It seems the entire city is warming to the idea and reality of having a family friendly and safe Skate Board Park for our community and the surrounding area!
We’re moving forward together – Happy New Year Portage!