The Petras donate $1000 to PFSP!

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petras handing a $1000 donation.
Photos courtesy of Andrew Tamminga, Art Director of the Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petras stopped in to present Committee President Kyle Little with their personal donation of $1000. Mr. Petras is a member of the Kiwanis, he and his wife have been actively serving the community for many years. Kyle Little is holding a collaboration 9-ply Skate deck donated by Elements Boardshop, Wisconsin Dells, These are being sold for only $40.00 with 100% of the proceeds going to the Skate Park. If Anyone interested in purchasing one may contact the committee by contacting us in the Contact page or stop in at a Tuesday evening meeting. Meetings are being held at The Gerstenkorn Administration Meeting on East Slifer St from 5:00 – 6:30 pm.