“I Love Skateboarding” TAGS!!!
We are going to be promoting an “I Love Skateboarding” Tag campaign at area businesses in Portage, Wisconsin. You will be able to donate $1 or $5, sign a card and show your support of The Portage Family Skate Park Project. Take a selfie and upload it to facebook.com/portageskatepark or twitter.com/portagesk8park
Download your > February fundraising tags, July fundraising tags & October Skate Tags< and put them up in your Business then send the donation to
Make checks out to: Kiwanis
In the memo write: Skateboard Park
Send Checks to; Kiwanis- Rita: Skateboard Park
Prairie Flower Beads
210 W Cook St.
Portage WI, 53901

This July show your support for skater independence. Donate a $1 or $5 and take a photo with the tag an upload it to facebook.com/portageskatepark