Culver’s & PFSP Make a Great Team.
Culver’s Care night is for giving back to our local community. We at Culver’s 2733 New Pinery Rd. Portage, WI 53901 (608) 742-7982 value the hard work you put into your charities and programs and partnered with the Portage Family Skate Park on 5/5/14. Many thanks to the Local Portage Kiwanis Members that came out to volunteer. Fay & her husband President Jim Burmeister of the Local Portage Kiwanis also Rita Briant. Rita is also the Treasury of the Portage Family Skate Park project and Owner of Prairie Flower Beads Portage. To our Art Director Andrew Tamminga and to Debbie Little for the hard work and dedication during this event. We had two new volunteers tonight that didn’t disappoint. A BIG THANK YOU FROM THE #PFSP to Patty VanHounten & Tracy Rogers.
We would also like to thank the Portage Culver’s for the many times of giving back to the community. A special thank you to Jordan Wright for working with us and helping us along today for a very successful event. Many thanks to the Crew that worked today without the frontline staff you wouldn’t enjoy such great food and service. For those who stopped in or went threw the drive threw in support of the @portagesk8park THANK YOU! This project becomes more real because of the hard work, support and dedication from a community that will always live up to this TEAM
Together Everyone Achieves More!!!!
- Patty & Debbie
- Patty, Debbie and Andrew
- Andrew & Tracy
- Gab
- Portage Skatepark 10%
- Honk if u <3 Custard